Winter Weather hiatus (or, how I am too lame and cold to go outside)

I haven't been doing ANY hiking recently, due to a number of reasons. I became an Aunt in early December when my nephew was born. The holidays came quickly after that, along with running around trying to see all my friends who have moved away from St. Louis and were home for the holidays. Then this January, we've been bombarded with bad weather. First a winter storm that dumped over 8 inches, and just the last few days a huge ice storm (we were also supposed to get nearly a foot of snow, but it missed us and we got mostly ice and a bit of snow). I would actually LIKE to start some winter hiking, but a combination of a lack of proper winter clothing, pure laziness, and a fear of not being able to stay on a trail kept me in. I'm pretty ashamed of this actually. I HAVE been trying to go to the gym here and there though. It's not part of my routine yet, but I'm getting better. I'm hoping that while I'm not hiking, at least getting to the gym a couple times a week will keep me in some kind of shape. Unfortunately I'm not always making it once or twice a week... I have a lot of work to do!

Hiking has never been far from my mind in these last few months. I got my very own set of hiking poles for Christmas from my parents and a cute hiking kit from my aunt and uncle for Hanukkah including hand warmers, a Shenandoah National Park water bottle and an Appalachian Trail bumper sticker. I attended an REI class on winter weather hiking, where I learned a bit about proper winter clothing and winter hiking safety measures (I also bought a wicking layer of silk there, because the smart wool underclothes were WAY out of my price range). I am signed up for another class at REI about preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail-- even though I'm not actually planning on hiking it any time soon, I think this class will get me in the mindset and give me a chance to meet and talk to interesting people preparing to take on this feat.

currently reading: There Are Mountains to Climb: An Inspirational Journey by Jean Deeds

                                                          photo source:
The holiday hiking themed haul:
(be reminded that I am not being paid to show the brands in the pictures below, nor have I even tried any of my holiday haul yet, so cannot endorse one brand over another)

1 comment:

Mr. Mcgranor said...

I have winter hiked with a 15-20 pound bag of clothes and nothing but one layer of clothing. Of course i hade worn a coat, simple gloves and an adequate cap. My hiking partner is Christ. I used to hitchhike cross country by truckstop and then hit the woods and roads in the south or westward. I slept out in the elements because i am one tough dick.

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