So I've decided to challenge myself, in two different ways.
I will be taking part in this year's Ultimate Hike for the Cure. It is an opportunity to raise a minimum of $2,500 towards children's cancer research while pledging to hike 30 miles in one day. The nearest area hike will be taking place on the Tecumseh Trail in Indiana. I will be attempting to raise $2,500 from now until about mid-November, though the actual hike takes place in early October. I hope you will take a moment to look at the cause (check out the Ultimate Hike website and the Curesearch website for more information about the foundations and fundraisers).
I will be running my fundraising page HERE if you wish to make a donation online. If you can't make a donation, please consider passing on the cause on your own blog. I am so excited to challenge myself to make this 30 mile hike, and the completely different challenge to raise this much money for a cause. Thank you!
Again, my online Ultimate Hike fundraising page for children's cancer research is HERE.
Alaskan Cruise
3 days ago